Paris in Winter: The Eiffel Tower at Sunset

Paris in Winter.png

I am a huge fan of visiting places in their “off season.” This past January, I had the pleasure of taking a long weekend to visit Paris, France! I had found super cheap flights  and knew that it was too good to pass up on – so Paris in January it was!

I knew right away that it was going to be cold, probably rainy, but WAY less crowded than in normal tourist season, which is reason enough for me to visit somewhere. I’ve often heard mixed reviews about Paris, with the more negative ones voicing opinions about the city being too dirty, too crowded, too smelly, and too scam-artist-y.  My own experience was quite the opposite, however, and I do truly attribute that to going in the dead middle of the “off season.” I found the city to be breathtakingly beautiful, not at ALL crowded, and very charming!

Because I only had three days in the city, I knew I needed to make the most of my time there – so I planned ahead in a very Type-A fashion. I booked tickets to the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre ahead of time and mapped a route to take each day in order to maximize efficiency of seeing “the big things.” I like to read lots of blogs about the places I’m going to in order to gain the best “grasp” on what to do while there.  I found a number of blogs on Paris talk about waiting times for the Eiffel Tower.  I also read up on how beautiful the city is at night from up on the tower – so I devised a plan! My plane was due to land in the early afternoon at CDG. I researched ahead of time the route I needed to take by train to get to my hotel (which was fortunately quite near a station entrance), just a few blocks from the Eiffel Tower. Arriving a bit too early to check in, I walked down the Seine and across the bridge connecting the Tower and the Trocadero to take in some sights.  After checking in (and loving on the adorable hotel cat that resided there), it was time to head over to the Tower!

I booked tickets for entry about an hour before sunset, knowing that it might take awhile to head up into the Tower (lots of websites said it could take up to an hour!). Because I booked a time slot ahead time, though, I was able to get right into line and was actually the first one in my time group to step into the little elevator that takes you up.  There are also stairs, if you’re willing to dare the climb, but I figured I would take the stairs on the way down for the experience. The view from the elevator was INCREDIBLE! The sun had started to get low in the sky, turning the cityscape a gorgeous shade of pinkish-purple with an orange-tinged sky.  Honestly, it was breathtaking. The very top of the tower was closed for renovations, but that was perfectly fine since the midway point is truly ideal for sightseeing. The midway point also has shops and some eateries, so it was a good place to watch the sunset from!

Upon reaching the midway point (which was as high as you could go at the time since the top was closed), I stepped out onto the tower and was blown away by 1) how high up we actually were and 2) the views that stretched as far as the eye could see in literally every direction. And, each minute, as the sun set lower and lower, the colors of the city changed.  It was mind-boggling just how beautiful it was – and I’m not just saying that! To make the most of the experience, I paid for the SUPER overpriced champagne and Eiffel Tower macaron (when in Paris, I guess?) and sipped my champagne like a glorious queen surveying her kingdom while I watched the sun set.  It was exhilarating being that high up above the city and taking in the sights.


Soon, dusk settled in and the city came to glowing life.  At this point, it was positively freezing.  I wore a styled wool coat, wool scarf, earmuffs, and boots and was still very cold (I mean, it IS windy up there!).  So, after finishing my champagne, I headed back inside for some hot mulled wine (because, Paris) and then waited outside on the deck for the Tower to begin lighting up.

The Tower lights up on the hour and, since I knew I’d inevitably see it lit up from afar, I KNEW I wanted to see it all lit up and sparking while actually ON it.  This is also why going up the Tower for sunset is a wonderful idea! At 6:00pm, the Tower lit up and the lights begin twinkling – SO MAGICAL! Honestly, it was such an incredible experience.

After getting my fill of the Tower all lit up, soaking in the views, and buying enough over-priced beverages and food, I began my ascent downward to the ground.  I had taken the lift up but decided to take the stairs down.  The stairs are actually pretty cool! You get some really unique views OF the tower from the stairs and there’s just something fulfilling, almost, about seeing the city get closer and closer as you head downward step by step.

Paris in winter is alive and magical and fairly tourist-free.  Sure, I certainly encountered a lot of people in, around, and on the Tower, but it was nowhere near as crowded as I’ve heard about and seen in the summertime.  There’s something to be said about bundling up, heading up the Tower at sunset, and enjoying a glass of champagne while looking out across the winter sky.  If you get the chance, DO IT!

Tower nighttime



Skiing in a Winter Wonderland

It’s now officially spring, but many parts of the U.S. still definitely feel like winter! And I’m actually totally okay with that! Growing up, I went skiing every winter with my friends after school.  We had an after school ski club that most of us attended throughout the winter each year.  My parents skied, my grandparents skied, so it was only natural that I learned when I was young, too.  It has truly always been one of my favorite pastimes! Living in Florida for the past few years, though, skiing is hard to come by.  That’s why I was so excited to set aside a weekend recently to head out to the mountains to partake in some snowy fun!

It has been years since I’ve worn my ski boots and, at first, getting them on was a but difficult.  The plastic sections on the front had kind of warped out of shape, so locking the bindings on them was almost impossible (it took two people to finally get them on my feet). They were a little stiff at first, but walking around and skiing downhill on them all day loosened them up a bit and brought them “back to life.”  If you’ve never skied, just know that there is nothing worse than uncomfortable ski boots.

I started off on the smaller slopes to warm up, genuinely surprised how quickly it all “came back” to me since it had literally been years since my last downhill run. After I was sure I could once again handle myself on long planks stuck to my feet, I headed to the more difficult slopes.  The conditions were pretty nice, but the temperature was positively freezing. I ended up going inside a couple times to warm up, but even hot chocolate couldn’t completely shake the cold from my bones.  I wanted to get the most out of my day on the slopes, though, so it wasn’t long before I geared back up and headed up the mountain again.

Once the sun set, the temperature really, really turned cold. Tired and hungry, I decided to turn in to the lodge.  It was a wonderful day and lots of fun!! Skiing will always be one of my favorite winter activities!



The Keystone Capitol

There’s nothing quite like taking a road trip to visit old friends!  I recently took a drive to central Pennsylvania to visit friends, enjoy some historic and eclectic nightlife, and see the state capitol.

The day began with a visit to a wonderful restaurant and bar called The Gingerbread Man in downtown Harrisburg.  I enjoyed a yummy Cuban sandwich and a crisp beer.  After lunch, it was time to head down the street to a wine bar! With lots of local options, it was fun to taste and try the vino of Pennsylvania. I’m always a big fan of trying local fare and drinks when traveling to or visiting new places.



As the day waned, it was time to revitalize ourselves with some coffee. The next stop was a coffee shop called Denim Coffee in Carlisle.  I got a warm mocha and we all sat and talked away the late afternoon.  Continuing what was soon becoming the food-and-drink tour, we ventured onward to a local favorite – Molly Pitcher Brewing Company.  With fun drinks, a cozy space, and the coolest beer taps I’ve ever seen, it was definitely one of my favorite places of the trip.



I drove past the beautiful state capitol building in the early hours of the morning after finishing a few rounds at a fun, eclectic bar (with excellent fried pickles!).  It was a wonderful day and night of exploring, trying new things, and catching up with friends!





Winter Woodland Walks

There’s nothing quite like going for a woodland stroll in the woods.  It feels and looks so magical! Last weekend, I visited a wonderful, small, western New Jersey town that gets all decorated for Christmas.  There’s an adorable main street lined with small shops and cafes and lots of nearby farms perfect for visiting for some homemade apple cider and live Christmas decor (pine wreaths, anyone!?). After spending the day wandering the cute little shops and sipping coffee and cider, I decided it was time to see what walking paths and parks were nearby.  Lo and behold, the Cooper Mill was just down the road.

The Cooper Mill was built in 1826 and is on the National Historic Register.  During the warmer months, there are tours and events at the mill.  On this particular day, it was snowing, the water in the mil had begun to freeze over, and it was extremely picturesque.







Snow Tubing in The Mountains

I couple weeks ago, I flew north to New York City and then made a short trip to the Poconos in Pennsylvania to visit family, see my old childhood home, and to take advantage of the snowy, cold weather activities in the mountains!  I had been wanting to go skiing for quite some time but, due to time restrictions and traveling, decided on going snow tubing instead.


I looked up a few of the mountains in the Poconos that offer tubing and decided on Big Boulder, which part of the Jack Frost/Big Boulder Ski Resort.  Although it is a smaller location than say, Camelback Mountain (which boasts 42 snow tubing lanes!), I decided on Big Boulder because it’s super close to my family’s home, it’s a scenic drive (especially if you enter through Split Rock Resort), and the price and time slots available were right.  So the drive from NYC to the Pocono Mountains began!

After arriving at Big Boulder and finding the parking for the tubing area (which is all the way beyond the ski slope parking), I added my final cold-weather layers to my attire and headed out to the mountain! I signed a release form stating I wouldn’t sue if a I died and attached my wicket and ticket to my coat (I had a great moment of nostalgia attaching the wicket to my coat, haha… I hadn’t done that in years!).

I grabbed a snow tube and headed for the “magic carpet” tow that took me up the mountain (more of a hill, in this case).  At the top, there were different lanes you could choose to tube down, so I hopped in line for one and waited to glide down the snow!

It’s such an exhilarating feeling, “teetering” at the top of the hill and then rushing down! I love a good adrenaline rush and snow tubing is great, especially on a steep hill with drops! The snow and ice kicks up while you go down, though, so protect your eyes if necessary.  I saw a number of people with ski goggles on, but I braved the hills without any (I was a little blinded the first time down, but it got better after that).

As time went on, fewer people stuck around into the evening and the lines at the top of the hill got shorter, making for quicker runs and returns to the top. It was a blast!  Eventually, my toes were cold enough for me to consider heading in, so after my final run down the hill, I headed into the small “snack lodge” to warm up.  There was also a large fire pit outside to warm up around.  Now that I live in the south, I really miss simple things like fires in the winter and going out in the snow.

Snow tubing at Big Boulder was incredibly fun!  I miss winters in the Poconos a lot, so it was nice to get back and enjoy a wonderful day outside in the snow!

